Why are some website services restricted?
Some website services are restricted to specific groups of users, such as members of communities that any user can join including the Professional Networks or members of IET committees. To access any restricted area you must be logged in and a member of the appropriate group. If you are an IET member and are on a committee that has its own area of the IET website, registering as an IET member will automatically give you access to that committee's website area. Each committee and community you are a member of will place a link on your 'My IET' that will take you directly to that community's area of the website.
How can I change font sizes on the IET website?
The way in which you change the size depends on your browser and can also depend on the device on which your browsing application is installed. Our accessibility page has further help.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small pieces of text that a website can store on your computer and recover later. Session cookies only last as long as you are logged in or have your browser open. Permanent cookies are stored on your computer for use the next time you visit the site.